Let's do this!!!

I'm in! I'm finally gonna take back my energy!

Before working with Heidi, my quality of life suffered. My morning routines turned into energy-draining chores, work was unbearable, and my personal relationships declined. Because of my work with Heidi, my life now is the complete opposite, I have the energy to both work and play. Heidi saved my life and I’ll be forever grateful."

-Monica B

Let's do this!

I'm ready to start living my dreams!

What do I get in EnergyRx?

Let's recap all the amazing things that EnergyRx includes!

  • 90 days spent inside the program learning from Heidi.

  • 2 Hand Scored, comprehensive bio-individual researched-based Energy Assessments.

  • Access to a new educational module each week.

  • Customized supplement protocols.

  • Lifestyle recommendations based on your Energy Assessment results

  • Individualized Whole Foods Nutrient Dense dietary recommendations.

  • 10% discount on all supplements and products in the eStore.

  • Over 25 Downloadable Guides to help you incorporate your learning into your lifestyle.

  • Invitation into theEnergyRx Members Only Circle.


  • Members Only Circle Membership

    $2,170 value

    I'm also going to give you three free months of our EnergyRx Members Only Circle membership. This is an exclusive group of women who are taking back their energy as current EnergyRx participants or don't want to lose it as EnergyRx grads. Get access to our online community, the Recipe Vault, monthly LIVE Q&A Calls, and our supplement discount.


Click to Take Back YOUR Energy!